Why don’t you vaccinate!? Read in full please 😉


Let me preface by saying...

My oldest daughter has received vaccines up to 18 months. We withheld a few vaccines due to human diploid cells being in the ingredients and we have ethical/religious concerns. We moved to a new city and because of the policies at the new clinic, we are no longer able to attend that clinic system because we have chosen not to do those vaccines (but that’s a separate story). I’ve always felt uneasy about vaccines for my sweet girl because her first round of vaccines, she got so so ill for three days. After that, we started spacing out her shots so that she wasn’t being overwhelmed by all the things they were putting into her body. This clinic system also doesn’t do that, so that wouldn’t have been an option either.

I had another daughter in December and she has her two month shots coming up. After looking further into it, I think I just want to forgo all shots AT LEAST until they’re 3 y/o.

My questions...

1. Why do you choose not to vaccinate your kids?

2. What credible resources can you give me for those who don’t agree with the ingredients/side effects? (I want to know so that I can be prepared to show a pediatrician).

3. Any Christians on here to state a case against vaccines coming from a biblical standard?

(Because God made our bodies perfect is a dogmatic approach and doesn’t account for the fall—due to original sin).

This comes from a completely open-minded position. I hope these pointed questions don’t sound rude. I just really want some information to armor myself with since both of my girls are having check ups soon.