BV and Flagyl 19+3 weeks


I had spotting last Tuesday night that lasted for about 3 days. Started Red/brown and then turned into light brown. I went in for an appointment Friday, baby was fine. However, although I didn’t have other symptoms I requested to get tested anyway for any kind of infection. OB told me she “thinks” I have yeast after looking under the microscope from a swap test and just told me to get Monastat. I decided to not get it because that didn’t sound reassuring and i knew i wanted to make another appt with a different doctor. Over the weekend I did notice my discharge had changed a little (more wet than normal). Nothing really visible. No smell or other symptoms. So I go in today to get swapped again. Comes back I have BV. I was prescribed Flagyl (oral) for 7 days.

I’ve had BV in the past pre-pregnancy and I know the dangers of having it while pregnant so I am very anxious and stressed.

I’d like to know any other similar stories?! Was everything okay? I’m scared for this to be a repeating situation for the rest of my pregnancy. If it wasn’t for my spotting Tuesday I would’ve never thought to check for infection. I didn’t have your typical BV symptoms. And these doctors aren’t the best at listening to you. I feel like they brush things off or won’t check you unless things get REAL.