Trying to conceive


Hey everyone!

I have a very special situation. I was told my entire life that I would never be able to carry or have my own children because of a congenital heart defect. I received a heart transplant in 2018 and my situation has now changed. I am now able to have my own children, and my doctors don’t think it would pose a huge threat to my health.

It’s all very overwhelming as this is a journey my fiancé and I never thought we would go on. I’m currently a nanny while going back to school for my 2nd degree and we feel as though this may be the best time to try since we both have very flexible schedules.

I know I probably won’t find any, but if you know anyone who has had a transplant and still conceived, I would love to hear about your pregnancy and advice. This is our first week trying so I’m not expecting to be pregnant ASAP, but support and information would be awesome. Thank you ❤️❤️