7 weeks pregnant with twins



We are pregnant with twins and I am a little scare baby B is measuring 1 week behind its measuring 6weeks and a heart rate of 120 and baby A measured 7 weeks with a heart rate of 150 has anyone been in this situation can you please tel me about it and the outcome? I’m freaking out this are my rainbows after one miscarriage and a stillborn daughter in 2019

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Try not to stress. Easier said than done, I know. It could go either way. Mine wasn’t a favorable outcome but many women on here go thru it and theirs turns out fine. There is even a thing where you may have ovulated twice a week apart. I’ll keep you on my thoughts and prayers.


N • Feb 22, 2021
I don’t mind. The first time I had 2 sacs. One with identical twins and a Singleton. We saw 2 heartbeats and was waiting for the 3rd so I was told to go back in 2 weeks. When I went back only my Singleton had a heart beat. He’s now 7. The second time it happened we saw 3 sacs at 5 weeks. 2 weeks or so later we saw 2 sacs and 2 heartbeats but one was measuring a week behind and the heart beat was there but weak. They wouldn’t even let me hear it. 1 week later, only 1. I lost her at 15 weeks due to Turner Syndrome. If I can find my ultrasound picture I’ll post it. The sac was also smaller.


Adriana • Feb 22, 2021
Thank you! I’m praying for both of my babies.. may I ask what happened to yours? You don’t have to answer of course


Posted at
One baby measured 7 weeks 6 days the other was a week behind. Maybe a little over a week behind. Being that I had been thru it before I already knew what was going to happen. It doesn’t always happen but I felt it as I had already lost the first one. You can’t see the bigger one in the other pic because they couldn’t get both in the same picture. The third sac is so itty bitty and empty.


Adriana • Feb 23, 2021
I’m very sorry to hear that 😔 here where I’m from they do let you see the screen so I could see my baby’s very well and I could see both heart beating I’ll keep my hopes up untill god tells me other wise! Did you deliver your baby A? ♥️


N • Feb 23, 2021
I just want to reiterate, it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes given a week or two they catch up. Sometimes u can ovulate twice at different times or they implant at different times. I didn’t bleed or anything. One day it was there and the next it was gone.


N • Feb 23, 2021
I don’t remember. I do know baby 4 was normal and baby b wasn’t. It was slower but the tech said at first she didn’t even see it beating. I told her I did and when she looked again it was. And yea the er here doesn’t let patients see the screen. I went the first time then went again 2 days later to make sure there was no ectopic so again I couldn’t see anything. I was upset but knew my doc would tell me. So I called her to see if she got my Hcg results. I was going to use my phone to sneak a peak but I had to put it down and the glare from her glasses wasn’t working lol.


Posted at
This is me! I have posted a thread and ultrasound picture. Forst ultrasound they were 9 days apart. Follow up today and they are now closer to like 11-12 days apart but still good heart beats so have to go back again in 1-2 weeks


Adriana • Mar 3, 2021
I don’t know why it doesn’t let me attached a picture on the comments but I did send it to you on a private message I hope you don’t mind. And my twins also have a heart beat that what’s keep me positive but it is kinda scary do you know what type of twins you have?


Tori • Mar 3, 2021
I also have to go back March 12th in our maternal fetal health center since they have a stronger ultrasound machine. So anxious


Adriana • Mar 3, 2021
I’m very anxious we go back March 8 to check again on the babies this would be my rainbow babies let me see if I can attach a photo