Help me please.

I’m 14 (turning 15 next month) im very aware what im about to state is irresponsible actions and I will not do it again. Valentines Day weekend I spent all 3 days with my boyfriend and 2/3 of those days we had unprotected sex and he ejaculated in me. My period starts in a week, but I am frightened I am pregnant. I do not know if its too early to test or if i should wait till my period is supposed to come (depending on if it does or does not). I also am unaware of how I can get a test without either of our parents knowing. His parents would be fine with it, and would probably even offer money for an abortion if I was pregnant. While mine on the other hand would flip the hell out and kick me out if I even asked to be put on birth control. (How would I talk to my mom about that? Shes very against me preforming sexual activities at my age, and I understand why. But I would rather be safe and not have as many scares like this than be pregnant at 15.).


Boyfriend ejaculated in me twice Feb 13-14. My period does not start till next week, is it to early to test? How would I get a test (parents check mail) and how do I approach them about being put on birth control? (I am about to be 15.) .