Too sensitive?


Long story short my parents "reschedule" my birthday every year and this year is no different.

My mom called to tell me she wanted to go visit her parents in the next couple months and happened to pick the week of my birthday. I didn't say anything because it's par for the course in my family for more than a decade and a half now. But I guess me not reacting didn't work for her because she decided to tell me why she picked then and not another the next month. Well it's because 2 of my siblings birthdays are in the next month. 1 doesn't even live in the same state and the other will likely be celebrating with friends as its her 21st. Oh and she also threw in that she needed to be here for mother's day.

She could have chosen the week before or the 2 weeks after my birthday but no.

We literally get together as a family to celebrate everyone else's birthday in my large family, but my birthday either gets ignored or rescheduled, by like 3 or 4 weeks...

Am I wrong to be hurt by this? Am I being selfish? Am I being to sensitive?