
Is anyone else’s baby having meltdown after meltdown everyday?! I swear since we’ve started purées, my daughter has been having inconsolable meltdowns. She’s been having bowel movements still, although tough for her sometimes, she’s still having one everyday. I also thought maybe she’s finally teething. So I gave her a dose of Tylenol occasionally and it’s done absolutely nothing.

I know there’s supposed to be a growth spurt around this time, but this has been going on for over a week. I also know there’s supposed to be a regression. She’s napping more but her sleeping at night is unchanged thus far.

We had an appt yesterday but had to reschedule because of the snow. We go this Thursday, but even waiting a couple days seems so far for what is going on! 😩


I’m fully convinced she’s not constipated as now she’s had a second bowel movement with no issues after I gave her some puréed apple.

She just got over meltdown #3 and she’s down for a nap.