Smear test/pap Any tips I have no idea why I’m nervous as it isn’t my first time

LK 👼🌈💙

Hi all I know this isn’t probably the right form for this but it where I post most of the time 🤷‍♀️

I will be having my Pap smear test Friday or Monday booking it tomorrow to for one of those days. It isn’t my first smear but I haven’t got a smear for a few years first there was a back log when I was due my 2nd smear due to cervical cancer scandal then covid hit and they stopped doing smear test so that’s another year passed since that and only getting to me now after all the back logs.

This time I am extremely anxious and nervous I have no signs of cervix cancer but then again it is a silent killer for many. It not because it hurts or uncomfortable because it’s not I think it’s the long wait for the results can take 6/8 weeks for results and the taught of waiting that long is scaring me and I know everyday I be waiting for my letter to know my faith.

Sorry for the long post but I needed to let it out as it was getting to me and I need to stay away from google 🤦‍♀️

PS if you haven’t booked in for your smear please do.