Curious if anyone else has experienced this!

Hey! I just got off my period but I have been concerned. My period was super light (not filling any pads or tampons), it remained the same color throughout, and I had zero clots. My second day of my period I woke up extremely nauseated. This came in waves all day. NOT normal at all for me- none of it. I am very in tune with my body, especially my cycle. I have stayed nauseous through out this, even after getting off of my period. The nausea has caused me to lose my appetite, when trying to eat, I become even more nauseous. My 3rd day on I took a pregnancy test that came back negative. I have no stomach bug etc. I have been planning to get my thyroid checked as well, not sure if this even goes hand in hand. Has anyone else had an experience similar to this? I'm just trying to figure out what is going on with my body. We are currently not ttc, but neither would be mad if that were to be the case. I plan to see an OB soon but I am in search for a new one. My last moved after having my son. Thanks in advance. & Please no rude comments. 🙂 Also am not sure which group to post this to 😬