A birth worth waiting for.


This week has been one for the books.

Last week we survived the winter storm in Texas and Tuesday I ended up in the hospital due to decreased fetal movement. With an ultrasound baby literally did not want to move. Or breathe. He just wanted to hold out as long as possible for the 30 minute ultrasound to be over.

The doctor decided to do a membrane sweep and gave mr a small glimmer of hope and scheduled me for induction on Friday at 7am.

Well Wednesday at 3pm while peeing and not paying attention I looked down to see I lost my mucus plug and had a small amount of a bloody show. Called my husband just to tell him and sat around and waited.

Contractions didn’t start until an hour later but were so dull and light I ignored them. But at 6:42pm my water broke and didn’t have a clue what it really was. Thank you to everyone who helped me figure it out. My contractions didn’t start until 7:30pm and I arrived at the hospital at 8pm to confirm that my water did break and that they were keeping me.

We tried to deliver him before 11:58pm but this little boy did not plan to come out. But at 2:41AM today he decided it was time to arrive.

Welcome Kobe 7pounds 5oz 19.5 inches long.