Shadow Work Prompts for Repressed Anger

Growing up I was yelled at for crying and many other things, I grew up afraid of confrontation which made me hide a lot of my emotions especially anger because I was afraid to talk to people about what upset me. I don’t do that at all now and if something bothers me I speak on it right away. But, I know I have a lot of experiences that I’ve never talked to anyone about, therefore a lot of emotions I’ve never expressed. For example, I was sexually assaulted when I was 6 and just never told anyone up until 2 days ago I told my boyfriend and I never realized how messed up it was and how much it affected my sex life until I spoke about it. Anyone have any good shadow work prompts for this kind of situation? And also, is it dangerous to do shadow work late at night? Because my insomnia has gotten awful and I find myself full of energy but I don’t know what to do with it. Maybe I can do some shadow work but I’m afraid my negative emotions will attract negative spirits so late at night (like 1-4 am)