I just need to write it out...

First off, I want to say that all you Mama’s out there who have gone through this kind of loss, you are so strong.

I went through my third miscarriage in January. I thought I dealt with my feelings and emotions well during that time, but today I found out some close friends are due the same time we were also due. I’m soooo happy for them, but also my heart just feels like it broke all over again. Knowing that our babies could have grown up together, almost the exact same age.

It’s so hard and I’m having a tough day. I know I will get through it and one day we will have our rainbow baby... but for now, I just needed to write it out and feel all the feels.

Praying for all you Mama’s out there with broken hearts like mine. I pray we all get our rainbow baby one day. 💕


Thank you ladies! I’m sorry for all of us, and pray we get our babies.💕

Our second set of good friends just announced they are pregnant. Again I’m so happy for them but it’s hard that we can’t all have babies together because my body just keeps failing me... 😔