Another baby girl is here!!!

Alex • ✨ Due March 2021 after 4 IVFs, 2 transfers, and 1 anembryonic pregnancy ✨

At 37+1, I was diagnosed with cholestasis, and my doc decided I needed induced. Went in at 37+2 for the induction, and unfortunately, I never progressed past 5-6cm and my cervix was swollen, potentially preventing more progress. We were on a time clock since they broke my water, and since I had already spiked a fever after the epidural (which only worked on the left side and the right side wore off every hour 😭), we reluctantly agreed to a c-section. At 1:27am on 02/20/21, baby girl was born showing off her beautiful set of lungs! Nothing in my birth plan ended up happening, but after baby girl was here, I didn’t even care.

What I do care about: baby girl is in the hospital for hypothermia 😭 we’ve had to run every test in the book and do all sorts of prods and pokes, and so far not sure what’s going on. She seems to be perking up but still not sure of the reason or cause for concern. So scary after everything we went through to get here that now we’re back in the land of not knowing what’s wrong (and now it’s a little baby I can’t fix).