Period problems

Hi I been on non hormonal coil now since September and tbh I have had nothing but problems, it has made my cycle completely unpredictable that I am unable to track it properly. I felt the strings once but I find it uncomfortable to check and my smear is not due for another year. Has anyone had a copper coil and had same problem. I have not had period since January but I know I am definitely not pregnant (me and bf use protection) and that hasnt failed. I know strings can move up so it’s difficult to check but I’m worried now and the fact that I cannot get nurse appointments and only get phone appt with the dr is bad due to still being in lockdown due to covid-19. Can a period be missed due to coil, I know it can take 6 months for coil to settle but this is scaring me. I had a lot of pain with having it in and still don’t feel right with it but with lack of being able to see anyone with the pandemic and lockdown, I am beginning to be worried?

Sorry for long post, I am stressing a bit about it. I wondered if stress would be responsible for stopping it but I been under much more

In past and this has never happened but all the symptoms and spotting here and there is happening but no proper period.

Sorry if I seem dumb but I’m panicking and do t know where else to turn for advice, I keep calling my doc and hopefully I can get appt soon.