Men , cheating & doing better

Why do men expect you to just “stop bringing up the past” in such a short time when they’ve spent such a very long time doing their dirt before you find out . It’s like give me those 8 months of a good man the same way you gave me 8 months of the bad man . & then I’ll get over it . Like cheating is traumatizing believe it or not especially when you really love that person & it’s the first time you’ve experience such a bad time . Like we can build & move forward but it don’t just happen like that whether you wanna hear it or not . Don’t ask me “why can’t you have the same understanding that I have” because I’ve shown you that I am trust worthy so you are at ease more than me . I’ve shown you that I can go out and you can be away without having to worry . You can break trust a lot quicker than you can build it but they dont get that . They just expect you to just wake up “yay he’s a new man” nawww 😑😑😑