Clomid buddy - guess I’ll turn this into my conceiving journal

Brit👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾 👼🏾1EP 1MC👼🏾🤞🏾Preg w/ 🌈 • God blessed me! 1EP ttc our 🌈 baby

ADDED***Nobody wanted to be clomid buddies so I’ve turned this into my little journal to notate my journey. 😔

Just got my first positive opk today after taking clomid. I’m currently on cd 14. Anyone want to go through the struggle of trying to conceive together?

Day 2 ovulation - definitely having some cramps and slight tension headaches. Sex was a bit uncomfortable but we gotta make it happen. Ovulation test is blazing positive today. I took this around 4:45pm est.

Day 2/3- took an ovulation test at about 2:30am

And its negative. It felt really good to see a positive opk now we just need one of beans to stick. Still having some lower abdomen pain. Pain is probably a 5 from 1-10. It’s tolerable but very uncomfortable. Hubby will be in Vegas next week so the tww is going to be insane. I suppose my escape from thinking about it will be me working a bit more this week. Also hopefully the pain subsides overnight.


Babe and I tried to dance last night and it hurts in my abdomen still. Haven’t had any significant feelings to tell if I’m pregnant. Going to keep watching but definitely not allowing myself to get stuck.


I feel extremely groggy like I’m tired and didn’t get enough sleep. I went to sleep in time but I could not wake up this morning for work. I ended up sleeping until about 10am and still needed at least another 3 hours. Pain in abdomen is gone. If I can remember correctly I think I had a headache yesterday. I had a slight pinch in my stomach yesterday but that was all. Overall I’m okay, no itchy boobs or anything. I do feel slightly bloated but other than that, sleep where are you?

Update- I’m super irritated. I had to tell my job I didn’t feel like doing anything. I don’t know why I feel like crying and I’m super sad. Ugh

5 dpos

I want to say I’ve have some slight cramps in my left side of my tummy. We had sex last night and it still kind of hurt right in my abdomen but who knows. Doctors appointment tomorrow. Still irritated but not as bad as yesterday.

6 dpos

I went to my appointment and took a urine and blood sample. Doc gave me a referral for babe to get a semen analysis. He also gave me 2 more refills of clomid. My nipples have been a tad sensitive. They don’t hurt but it’s an annoying feeling when you touch them. I’ve been super sleepy and exhausted as well. Tested today and got a weird line but everything else was starch white. Still waiting it out to see what comes of it.

7 dpos

Last night my nipples were kinda sensitive still. I had mild cramps earlier in the day but they didn’t last. I got a severe headache while out at my dads and it’s still hanging around after getting home about 12 hours later. Took a few test and they are all negative. I did have about 4 beers so maybe the pee is diluted. At least that’s what I want to tell myself. Babe comes back home tomorrow so that’s awesome for my anxiety. It’s still too early to tell but I’m not sure this round of clomid worked but if it didn’t we will keep trying and praying on it! I have had some small twinges but nothing to make me think I’m pregnant. I haven’t also seen any spotting but again it’s still fairly early. I’m going to have to child on my test taking since babe is coming home tomorrow. I can’t let him see me go crazy with peeing in a cup. Another thing that isn’t letting up is this tiredness. I keep feeling like I’m just super freaking tired. I don’t know what that’s about.

9 dpo

Pregnancy test are still negative. I definitely feel I took a blood test too soon. Babe is back home and I was hoping I could surprise him with good news but it doesn’t look like we did it this month. We have 3 more rounds of clomid so hopefully one of those takes. My cycle is suppose to start in 5 days. Praying super hard something pulls through. Feeling really sad and discouraged and wondering why something is wrong with me. I wish I was normal.

12 dpo

I went crazy on pregnancy test. Today my throat started hurting and I just didn’t feel like getting up. I went to go get a covid test because I thought Jordan could have brought it back from Vegas. Grabbed a pregnancy test from the store since I bought a bunch of meds. Turns out I’m pregnant. Currently 3 weeks if I’m calculating correctly.

13 dpo

I freaked out from the cramps last night and went to the ER. They told me my hcg levels were a 9 and to come back in 2 days to make sure they are rising. I took more test and saw the lines weren’t getting darker. Had a vaginal and stomach ultrasound and they couldn’t see anything in my uterus but I’m not alarmed yet.

Took this pregnancy test at 1:30pm. Looks like the line is getting darker. I will follow up with the Er doctor on Sunday to check my hcg levels.

14 dpo

I still have a cold. I had some tingling sensation in my right breast last night. Boobs still aren’t sensitive but maybe that won’t happen until later. Line progression is looking good. Somewhat slow but happening. My throat is no longer sore however I am still sniffing a bit.

Lone test taken 14 dpo 8 am

Cluster of test are over the few days with line progression

4 weeks and 1 day pregnant

I went in to the Er again today to check my hcg levels. 2 days ago my hcg levels were a 9 but they are a 17 today so the baby is growing. My fiancé and I are excited! I prayed hard that god covered our baby and protect it. I’m so blessed I can’t even explain it! I have had some on and off breast pain, heavy diarrhea and headaches. I haven’t had any spotting. Doctors appointment on Friday to follow up with obgyn.

4 weeks 3 days

Took another pregnancy test just to see if the lines are getting darker. They are! Had a doc appointment yesterday and they scheduled my sonogram for 2 weeks out and my first prenatal appointment in 4 weeks.

4 weeks and 4 days


Completely constipated. I can’t poop just poot.

Boobs feeling fuller but not sore.

Took a pt at 9am. This will be last one.

5 weeks 2 days

Yesterday I had really bad pain in my pelvic area. The doctor took my hcg and said my hcg was 40 on my Tuesday visit but yesterday it was 290. My progesterone is 11 so I don’t need the suppositories. Later that day I started bleeding brown then it turned dark red. It wasn’t a lot but enough to scare me. Today I called the obgyn and I have to go at 3:30 to get checked. Further updates from here.

5 weeks 3 days

Went to my appointment and the doctor only checked to see if my cervix was closed. He said it was closed so I wasn’t going into labor. He set me to go get another hcg the following day but I refused because I rather not concern myself with all this. I prefer to let god have his hands on my child and pray he continues to protect it. We will wait for our sonogram next week. Hopefully we see something. Today I woke up and my boobs are on fire! They hurt when I walk and definitely when I rub against them. Feeling occasionally nausea but not throwing up. Taking my meds for my uti. I feel like the bleeding came from jordan and I having sex the day before so we’ve decided we’re going to pause on sex until we’re further along. More updates to come.