Need to blow some steam

I am a stay at home mom. I love being a stay at home mom. I also don't mind working and loved my job before. We own our own business so i do paper work and phone calls, as well as take care of my two year old, house clean, cook supper, etc. i feel super unappreciative. My husband does work a lot and when he comes home he is either asleep or on the phone. On the weekends his friends come over and they drink on the porch. He never spends time with me and our two year old. I am currently pregnant too. I love him very much! I express that i need his attention and want him to be more involved with our childs life. Also i don't want his friends over drinking and being loud outside. I don't know what to do. He doesn't listen gets mad when i bring stuff up. He wants to be able to relax and enjoy his time off. He does work hard and helps everyone else with their work. But i also need his affection. We do have a descent sex life. He only last two minute literally though. 🥴 Anyways i try to talk to him about this calmly and he always gets angry at me about it. I am just out of options and need advice. I do not know what to do. I am so tired of this but i do not know what to do at this point. Thank you for any and all advice.