Marcella💝jaleahs mom , ENDO/PCOS

I am just SO DONE I can’t take another negative test 😭😢😭😢😭 fiancé tries to be supportive but he’s already a father of 4 ! so he JUST DOSENT doesn’t understand. I just want to be a mom !

The negative tests

The hormonal imbalances

The invitations to baby shower after baby shower

The people hugging and embracing their children and babies

The friend that’s on her 3/4/5 accidental pregnancy

The friend with the unwanted pregnancy

The PAIN from endometriosis EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!!

The silent suffering

The lack of support

The being turned down by fertility clinic BECAUSE WERE NOT MARRIED YET ?!?

The stress and expenses of <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> just to be disappointed

I just CANT !!!!! Please !!!