Visit Family


So guys, I just had a baby 5 days ago. It’s my second and my body is definitely not healing as well as it did the first time (well, not as quickly). My fiancé made plans the day she was born to take her up to see his dad today (It’s about a 1.5 hour car ride). Which already made me uncomfortable because I’m not sure how seriously he takes covid. We required masks at my baby shower and he and his wife showed up without them 🙄 but it turns out, it’s his dad, his wife, and all his wife’s siblings and their kids. That’s like 15 people waiting to see my 5 day old newborn. During a pandemic. And no one bothered to tell me that many people would be there until literally just now. I’m fuuuuming. I want to bring masks and make everyone wear one to get near her but honestly, I don’t think they would listen. Not to mention, I’m still bleeding a fuck ton, my stomach is still actively contracting, and I’m formula feeding (because of many medications I need to take) but right now my boobs are 4x their normal size because they’re full of milk that hasn’t dried up yet. So I’m not in the mood to deal with his whole ass family. Also his dads wife and her family are Asian, so of course their culture is different from ours. But his step mom is the type to try to give solid food to my infant (we ran into this issue with our first), before he could even have solid food, she was trying to give him spicy rice and I said no and she was like “well I’ll keep him without you and do it anyway” which never happened because I never let him be alone there. But the fact that she would have against my wishes bothers me. She kept telling me “I fed all my kids rice (there was a specific name but I don’t eat it so I can’t remember) at 3 months and they turned out fine” and like, rice at 6 months would be better, but not with the spicy sauce that burns my eyes when I smell it. I’m just mad I guess and need to vent