What should I do? My daughter’s dad is leaving.

My daughter’s dad is moving out of state.

So my daughter just turned 2. Her dad and I broke up a little over a month ago. He just told me he is moving out of state to find a cheaper place to live. We don’t have a court ordered agreement yet and he definitely does not want one because he’s going to have to pay child support. He only sees her every other weekend as it is.

Well he said when he moves, he wants to have her for half of her summer break and other long breaks from school (when she does start school). But he wants the summer thing to start this summer. I told him I wouldn’t be ok sending her over there for that long when she’s so young. I told him we would have to meet with lawyers to figure out the best option. My issue is- he’s not the best dad. I left him because he has a huge temper and was/ is very emotionally abusive. He has a 9 year old son who he is very bad with, yet he is good with our daughter as of now.

Anyways. It turned into a HUGE fight. He started telling me if I paid him the $600 he is short each month, then he could stay in state. Not happening. My question is though how unreasonable am I being saying that I would only be comfortable with her spending maybe 2 weeks over the summer in whatever state he ends up in? I don’t really know what is best since she’s so little and has been exposed to a lot of negativity with him?

Thank you for your advice!