Sleeping with ex... how to get him back?

We broke up around Christmas time after many years together, we’d been arguing over silly things a lot towards the end.

Recently, we started sleeping together (I know it’s a terrible idea 😟) and we obviously still have feelings for each other. Plus the sex is amazing.

I really want to get back together, but I know he doesn’t want to as he just thinks things would be fine to start then we’d start arguing again, he told me this plenty before we decided to start sleeping together, but I know it won’t be like that again now with a bit of perspective. I don’t even want to mention getting back together or anything either incase it pushes him away. Just trying to play it cool haha.

I thought by sleeping together/spending time together he would eventually see that things are different but I know that’s really probably not a great plan.

Can anyone give any advice on how I can get him back properly? Can I salvage this?

I really love him and I don’t want to give up.