Can this be real?


Just an update to this post: Sadly this was a chemical pregnancy I guess. As a first timer I freaked out with some pain and bleeding, went to an OBGYN urgent care and ultimately ended up in the ER where they kept me overnight for fear of a “possible ectopic”. Nature seems to be doing things on its own... but sadly was too good to be true for me this time. ☹️

Hey Ladies!

My husband and I have been trying for 6+ months. This month I was feeling discouraged and did not use the ovulation tests. I have a 28 day cycle and usually ovulate day 11-14. A couple days ago which would have been day 20 of my cycle I had some spotting (which I’ve never had before). I didn’t think much of it at the time, but yesterday I decided to take a test which was a very strong positive. I figured it had to be wrong because it’s so early in the cycle but went and purchased some of this first response 6 day early tests this morning. I got another positive. Today is day 22 of my cycle.

Should I be concerned or is this a yes for real? I don’t want to tell my husband too soon and it be a false alarm!