TTC when hubby is a trucker

Hey y’all, I just wanted to see if anyone had any tips for trying to conceive when your husband is gone for weeks at a time and can’t really work around your ovulation schedule :(

We want a baby so bad (we’ve been married for 2 years and are ready)

So I just finished my period yesterday and my husband left for work this morning and will be gone for about two weeks, well past my ovulation time. Last night we had sex twice even though I probably won’t ovulate until Saturday.

I’ve heard that sperm can live for up to 8 days, however the chances of that are actually pretty slim. I’ve also heard that X chromosome sperm are slower and live longer than Y chromosome sperm, so if by some miracle I am able to become pregnant with hubby’s crazy work schedule, the chances of having a girl are strong.

Please educate me!! I need tips, advice, etc. we’re very new to this and this is really the first month where we’ve both agreed to really start trying.

I’m 28, I really don’t want to wait until I’m well into my 30s to start having kids (not that there is anything wrong with that).