What are the chances?

I’m recently 6 months postpartum! My husband and I have started to discuss when we’d like to start trying for our next baby🥳! But there’s something thats been on my mind for a long time! The delivery of our daughter definitely did not go as planned! I was induced, was in labor for almost 24 hours, pushed for over 3 hours and I just could not push my baby out. My doctor was extremely negative toward me for my entire hospital stay and instead of being encouraging, she kept threatening to send me for a c section since I couldn’t push her out myself.

After crying hysterically because of everything going on, my doctor ultimately decided to do an episiotomy. Which also did not help me in the slightest with pushing my baby out. So my doctor decided to vacuum her out. Which was successful. My baby was born 6 pounds even. So she was pretty dinky, and I guess you’d imagine that’s an “easy” baby to push out. Or so that’s how everyone made me feel.

My question is, what are my chances of ever having a vaginal delivery again? Honestly you’d think after my experience I’d want to avoid it, but I don’t. *im not against c sections! The idea of one just scares me! If it would be safer for baby, I’d obviously be more than willing to accept one*

However, I will never be returning to that doctor or hospital ever again due to the treatment I received and how I was made to feel. It never dawned on me to ask anyone, since I just had a baby.

Has anyone had a difficult first delivery, but a smoother second one? Any similar experience stories welcome! (:

Sorry if this is in the wrong group! Figured I could maybe get more answers here!