boyfriend advice

I am 22 and have been with my bf (my first ever bf) for 8 months now. On paper he is perfect and everything I could ever want, our sex life is great too. I think I love him, although i’ve never been in love before so i’m not sure if this is it. Whenever I think about a future with him though or a marriage i’m not sure if I can picture it .. and i’m unsure if that is because I am not ready for marriage in general so the thought sounds insane or if it’s because it’s him that i can’t see myself with. Should I even be having these doubts in the first place? I think sometimes I try to talk myself out of liking him or convince myself the feelings aren’t there because i’m scared for some reason but i also have this fear deep down that maybe I don’t love him like I think I do and that I just love the attention and how he treats me. Other days though I feel like I am completely totally in love with him .. is this normal?