Is it okay for your man to follow/like models?

So my so, whom I’m moving in with this month, follows models on Instagram. He’s obsessed with TikTok and I have to admit, there’s some pretty good life hacks on there or funny posts but I don’t ever watch it unless someone sends me something. Anyway, a lot of the chicks he follows are from TikTok and they’re usually 18/19 year olds. Mind you, he’s 31. To me, that’s disturbing because I have cousins that age. But then again, these girls do it for attention and are always half naked. And, he’ll never come across them in person. I know some women don’t mind it because it’s just pictures. But idk if I’m ok with it. We’ve talked about it and he doesn’t think it’s a big deal (obviously). Do most men do this? Or should I be concerned? (Answer this question in comments) The poll is for the title question.

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