Husband isn't paying for baby stuff

My husband and I split all the bills/groceries etc(I usually pay over half tho). Which is fine by me but a little difficult since I'm not working right now, instead I take care of our 3 month old daughter 24/7(he doesn't help much). I've bought/buy all of her formula, diapers, wipes, soap, clothes, toys, pacifiers, bottles, car seats/stroller, bassinet etc.... excluding some things we got at our baby shower. He has literally bought 1 can of formula and a box of diapers since she was born, and 1 outfit while I was pregnant.... that's it. He doesn't offer to pay for her stuff and when I ask he says she doesn't need it(like really?!?! Pretty sure she needs diapers!). I feel like I'm raising her by myself. Am I crazy for expecting to him help out with a baby he made too?