I need help fast


My boyfriend and I have been dating for around 3 years, we live together and have for the majority of our relationship. We both feel like we are just living the same day over and over because we are so busy. I feel like he isn’t attracted to me like he used to be because he is so busy, we talked last night and he just said that he doesn’t appreciate all the little things that I do for him and that he takes advantage of what I do for him. He feels bad but we don’t know how to get out of this rut. We don’t have sex anymore we don’t go on fun dates because he claims he can’t afford it but won’t let me pay. He also smokes weed ALL the time and that’s where his money goes. We’ve had NUMEROUS conversations about his habits and he asks for help with it a lot. Now he is saying that he doesn’t have a problem. I love him so much but I want what we had back. Anyone have any ideas on how to spice up a relationship?