First cycle using 50mg of Clomid. I’m ovulating on my own just usually not before CD23. Did we BD enough during my fertile window? What are the actual chances that I’ll get pregnant? Praying so hard for our rainbow baby. 😭🌈


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I just finished my first round of clomid and found out that im pregnant last week!! Baby dust to you


beauty is her name • Mar 3, 2021
Thank you. I hope this is your month!!


Veronica • Mar 3, 2021
Oh my gosh that’s amazing!! I’m on my first cycle of Clomid! I ovulated yesterday and has sex then and the day before!


Posted at
Did you confirm your fertile window with OPKs or just by the app? Your personal chances vary, but the per cycle chance of Clomid success is around 15-20 percent in general.


Je • Mar 2, 2021
Best of luck! I just started a round of Clomid last night. Fingers crossed.


Ja • Mar 2, 2021
Yes, confirmed with OPK and fertility clinic confirmed it, too. ☺️ Really hoping this is our month 🤞