What my miscarriage was like

So since dealing with a miscarriage I wanted to make a post with photos to help other ladies. During mine I kept searching for pictures/updates/information and never found anything very helpful outside of one google article and a bunch of questions with no updates on here so here we go..

First thing I noticed was bleeding during sex, although it’s common I never experienced this with my first so I think it could have been a warning sign.

On Friday I started spotting this is what it looked like for me, it was very little and stopped within a couple mins

On Saturday after going all Friday night and Saturday morning in the evening I started spotting again.. this is what it looked like this time,

Saturday night I was fine no issues or pain the spotting stopped again and I thought well maybe this normal.. but I was still freaking out on the inside.

Sunday morning I decided to go to urgent care (side note avoid emergency the cost will just make an already depressing situation more shiitty) At urgent care they confirmed there was no heart beat I should have been 10+3 weeks baby was only measuring 9weeks so I had obviously had a missed miscarriage. This is when the crying set in and denial washed away.

Monday I went to drs office to discuss options I decided to go with the pill because I didn’t like the side effect of surgery but would of course get surgery if needed. Took the first dose of the pill at 11:30AM by 1:30PM I bleeding like crazy!!

Here’s what a couple pads/clots looked it

I was bleeding ALOT! Now the paperwork said to go call dr if more than two pads in two hours my midwife advised to go to ER, now in hindsight I would have ridden it out at home and more comfortable but I was scared and have never had a miscarriage before. Ended up just stay for observation for 5hrs checked in at 8:30PM stayed until 1:30AM no medicine just there in a hospital uncomfortable LOL.

Finally after going home and getting some sleep Tuesday morning I woke up at 9AM to cramps. I wouldn’t say they were labor cramps (I do have some what of a higher pain threshold) but cramps, I felt something pushing out.. this is where I passed the baby here’s a picture of that. After o passed the baby I felt sooooo much better as if it never happens tbh.

As advised I still needed to take the second dose of pills so I did and then thats when the pregnancy symptoms started fading and I got horrible headaches for two days and just felt blahhh. Went back to drs and thankfully everything had passed on its own so need for surgery. I truly hope this help someone else like me who might be searching for some sort of information/ something to compare too. If you’re reading this do end up having a miscarriage you aren’t broken! You didn’t no anything wrong! They are more common then you’d think and most of all I pray for a healthy baby in your near future!! 💗💗💗🙏🏽