
I’m one month post second c section and doing great again. Although baby is very colic and in pain like my first and I’m not getting any sleep and in the thick of it right now, but I’m trying to be positive and I know it’ll pass soon. However, I have a question for y’all. How would you feel if your husband/ or significant other was constantly trying to touch you through your pants during the day or grabbing on you all the time and then showing pure disappointment in you when you can’t drop everything in the middle of the day to have sex.. I find it so inappropriate when we have a toddler who watches and sees everything for one and two I’m not even suppose to be having sex but I don’t feel like I have an option.. and 3 I’m still bleeding slightly, today I was literally pumping and he did that and I just wanted to scream because I feel so used by everyone. I feel like there is a time and place for doing that stuff and it’s not when both people aren’t wanting to do that. He feels our relationship isn’t good or I’m not into him because I don’t want to have sex but I’m just exhausted.. any tips on how to keep the romance alive? And any advice on what you would do... should I keep standing my ground and getting angry? Am I over reacting? Should I be trying harder to do something? I just don’t know