

my daughter is a week old today, and i’ve been bottle feeding her with my breast milk and supplementing some formula feedings throughout the day (once or twice if any) and my baby seems to like the formula more? she’s fussy and eating every hour unless i give her the formula then she goes for longer stretches and actually sleeps instead of cries. She might just be gassy? i try to burp her every time she feeds even if it is only a little bit because for some reason it takes forever to get a burp out of her. I’ve been thinking of maybe trying to feed her more formula instead of my breast milk to see if it helps with her tummy ache, but would that make it worse? i don’t want her to end up having digestive issues if i try it. any advice? With my breast milk she will eat every hour or so, about 30 mL at a time, but with the formula she will eat a good 60 Ml or more and she won’t be hungry again for 2-3 hours. Advice?