4 year old son anger fits and how to stop them

So my 4 year old son who’s I’m pretty sure has adhd or Autism but haven’t been able to get him diagnosed yet but his tantrums are horrible like he get aggressive and starts destroying things like he pulled my files out of my desk then after he was done with that he started going after the trash can to dump it out time outs don’t work I can’t get him to sit still and when he’s mad I can barely hold him down , I tried spanking but that made the fits worse and I just didn’t like spanking him but at this point he just gets way he wants cuz I’m to exhausted to fight all day with him he won’t nap and will stay up till 3 in the morning and get up at 8 ready to play or destroy the house depends on how he wakes up but it’s just me and my grandma nobody else to help me and I’m hoping somebody could help me