Mixed emotions: to have another baby or not

I need to share my thoughts with someone, somewhere about this that doesn’t know me on a personal level. My son is almost 15 months old. Is it normal to have mixed feelings about having a second child?

Here is where I stand. I want him to have a sibling but I feel like it would not be good for my mental and physical health to have a second child. At least right now. He is so energetic and keeps me on my feet all day long. On top of that he doesn’t sleep well at night so I am tired all the time and not getting good sleep. I have epilepsy on top of everything and sleep deprivation seems to be one of my triggers so that’s scaring me away from having a second baby even more right now.

My sister in law always talks about me having another baby so maybe that’s putting a little pressure on me to have a second? I always hear that kids that grew up without siblings felt lonely and wished they had a sibling. Is this true?

I just want to feel reassured that it is normal to feel like this. I even keep going on and off my birth control because I keep changing my mind about having another baby. It’s driving my husband crazy!