Baby Kaylee


I was induced at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia I went in February 14 and I didn’t have her until February 18 at 9 AM  they inserted this thing in me to soften my cervix I forgot what its called then they started me on Pitocin and then they put me on something else to get the contractions going and then they broke my water and with all that being done I only dilated 3 cm I got an epidural then I was told I had to have a C-section my water was broke for more than 24 hours so by that time the epidural had wore off and then I received a spinal I can still feel so they end up putting me to sleep it was the worst thing that I have ever experienced in my life it took a lot out of me and I don’t know how to come back from it I was in the hospital for 10days Preeclampsia after birth is no joke it is more to the story but I just wanted to keep it short but my baby girl is here

healthy and she was 8 pounds and 15 ounces