My sister doesn’t let me be a mother.

Aryanna • FTM I’m 22 years old Vicente 12/7/2020 Baby #2 due August 17th

My 31 years old sister doesn’t let me be a mother (I’m 21 years old). She doesn’t have any kids of her own and she doesn’t want kids. She always have something to say about how I’m handling my 2 month old son. When my son cries she always says I think he’s hungry when I just fed him not that long ago (I could tell that he’s isn’t hungry because he unlatch himself when he’s not hungry). Sometimes he just uncomfortable because he have gas or need to be burp (I know my own son). When I tell my sister I don’t want him to have covers on him, because I don’t want him to suffocate she doesn’t listen (I dress him warmly so he doesn’t get cold). Sometimes I have her watch my son if my fiancé and I needs to do errands or wants to spend time together, but I don’t have her watch him late at night because I’m afraid that something going to happen to him because of the cover, so I sometimes let him spend the night over my Dad house (so he can spend sometime with his grandad and my little sister that live with my Dad). She’s keep telling me that I should burp him this way when it’s nothing wrong with how I’m burping him. I want my son to get to know his auntie, but I’m sick of her telling me how to handle my son. What should I do?