Preparing for IUI #4


After having 3 failed IUIs last year and switching doctors I’m preparing for my 4th one and I’m just so disappointed. The previous 3 I was put on clomid and was unmonitored. I have PCOS and my husband has mild male factor. This is my 2nd cycle on letrozole with confirmed ovulation and still nothing so we will be moving on with the IUIs again with the new doctor. I know IUIs can increase chances for male factor infertility but why didn’t they work before? Unless I didn’t actually ovulate on the clomid? Idk I’m rambling and just looking for some advise/words of encouragement as mentally this is starting to really take a toll on me. Also the new doctor is an RE so I’m hoping that will help at least give us more insight into what’s causing the infertility.