Autism in toddler?

My 3 year old son has been referred to a special education program to be evaluated for autism and a speech delay. His doctor stated that he does show some signs of autism and he also is speech delayed. I’m a wreck. He has been having a hard time at his daycare getting along with others and learning. He can be very hard to handle a lot of the time, but I just thought that was normal toddler behavior! He is our first and only child (so far) so I had no clue anything was wrong.

Does anyone have any advice on how this process works? I know they are going to do an evaluation and then recommend certain classes/therapies that will help him overcome any issues he’s having but has anyone else been through this? I do work full-time (8-5 mon-fri) and I’m wondering how the classes/therapies work schedule wise. Part of me is considering trying to work only part time so I can work with him more at home until he at least starts kindergarten. I just want to give him the help he needs to succeed. It’s so much to process for me.

Any advice is appreciated.