Teaching dog commands


So I just adopted this cutie yesterday. He's 15 weeks old and the sweetest good boy ever. He's my first puppy, so I don't know exactly what to train with him first. We are of course working on potty training. Yesterday he didn't go to the bathroom outside at all, but did at least use a training pad inside. Today he had an accident inside, but then went potty outside the rest of the day but still no poops outside. Yet. Going to try again right before bed.

We are also working on coming when I whistle for him, "sit", and "walk". He's doing great with sit and follows a good 75% of the time for outside and about 90% of the time for inside. He's getting better at coming when I whistle as well, but is eh with the walk command.

What other commands should I be working on him with? Which commands do you feel have been the most beneficial for you and your dog?