Asking MIL to delete baby pictures

My MIL may have photos of my son in her phone at about 2 months old that I consider inappropriate. She managed to get them by commenting during his bath in his blue whale that she can't believe how much bigger (private area) he is compared to his cousin when he was the same age. Hubby's ego led him to take some photos innocently and send them to her. They are of his full body on display, not cropped or anything. Hubby doesn't think it is a big deal, he thinks I'm over reacting. I came across them in his phone when I asked to look through and pick out photos I might like. I don't want her to keep them as most of all I wouldn't want my son to see them later on and I think she is capable of doing so to embarrass him or as a joke when he is older. I would really like to approach her about this but wondering how to go about it. Any advice?