What was the biggest adjustment?

I’m just curious! I’ve got a 19 month old, due with #2 when #1 will be 2 years. (The ridiculous thing is, I’m pregnant with #2 but already want #3 😂.). They’ll all be close in age since I’ll be 35 when #2 is born.

I’m pretty apprehensive about going from 1 baby to 2 babies. The newborn stage with #1 was ROUGH for me, and it took both me and my husband to get through it. Really worried that with #2, my husband will be taking care of the toddler and I’ll be keeping the newborn alive. Already dreading the first 3 months 😩

Hoping it’ll be slightly easier since we both know how to change a diaper and know what to expect in terms of newborn care, but yikes.

Was it crazier going from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 2??

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