Newborn baby head position


Hey guys,

First time dad here. A lot of our friends who have had babies told us that the newborn’s head needs to be kept straight (i.e. keep

It from tilting to either side while sleeping, lounging, or in the car seat.

Our little one is 2 weeks old now. She has the habit of curling up like a shrimp and usually her head is tilted one way or the other.

It is my understanding that the round head pillows for babies are a high risk for SIDS.

So finally the questions are:

1) Do we need to make sure the baby’s head is straight.

2) Should we risk using a round head pillow / newborn insert?

3) Does the tilted head pose a threat to the baby’s neck development or longterm neck pain issues.

Thanks in advance. Wishing all parents a healthy and calm baby now and always!