Would you keep the cat?


We had a cat that had to be put to sleep after an accident and it shattered our kids hearts (15,12). A few months later my oldest kept begging for another cat. Honestly, I didn't want another, we had just had a baby and got a dog but my son wouldn't let it go. So, we got a cat. He started out great, used the litter box and was super affectionate. Then he started eating silicone. Not just any silicone but specifically any binky, bottle nipple, and breast pump part the could get a hold of. I stored pieces in the cabinet, he'd climb on the counter and get in there if left open. Tried keeping in drawers, he'd paw them open. He ate over $100 in silicone before I out smarted him. Then he started going outside the litter box. So we put a box upstairs and one in the basement. Tried different litter, tried with a lid and without, tried deep litter and shallow litter. Picked clothes out of the floors and kept him out of the bathroom. We even had to move his food bowl to behind the couch to keep him from pooping back there.

Then today, I walked in and could instantly smell cat piss. I've seen him sniff the babies stuff before but he's never marked it, until today. He pissed all over my son's foam alphabet puzzle (still in the storage bag so that went straight to the trash). I'm honestly at my wits end and think he'd be better off in a home without small children. My older kids barely have anything to do with him. Would I be wrong to find him a home he's better suited for???

Edited to add that I'm currently working from home and breastfeed my baby so when I'm sitting down he's usually on my lap getting love. We bought lots of toys and most mornings I spray toys with catnip for him. He also loves the dog, he waits for her to come inside and they chase each other through the house. He is still intact but given his pooping issues I'm not sure how much that would help. He's not been neglected in any way🙄 Also we've had him for nearly a year.