TTC Baby #2 🍼BFP🍼 My 2 week wait symptoms!

Amy • Livvy’s Mama 🐻

This was our first month ttc baby #2! Our daughter will be two on April 26th. Here’s how the two week wait went:

2/18: ❤️🔥

2/24: +Ovulation Test & ❤️🔥

2/25: +Ovulation Test (still peaking), light spotting in CM, Cramps, Bachache, Super Bloated, left ovary pain

2/26 aka 1 DPO: Acne starting, irritable, left ovary pain continued

2 DPO: bloating, headache, mild cramps, acne getting worse, left ovary pain

3 DPO: Mild pelvic pain, bloating, light pulling/twinges coming from left ovary/pelvic area

4 DPO: CM was sticky/light, Acne bloating and Backache continue, left ovary pain

5 DPO: CM was sticky/light, Acne bloating and Backache continue, cold symptoms start (normal for this time of year w/ pollen). Heartburn around 1am - I knew I was pregnant, I’ve not had heartburn since my first daughter left my body. Crazy dreams.Very thirsty at night.

6 DPO: Acne & bloating continue.

Started feeling dizzy when I’d stand up. Almost like having vertigo.

7 DPO: CM still sticky/ light. Acne & bloating continue. Dizzy and Diarrhea 💩 2xs this day. Also had the “I’m pregnant” dream this morning.

8 DPO: Acne bloating and dizziness still here. Boobs getting sore (also, huge sign I was pregnant). Mild cramps. The smell of pizza flavored goldfish almost made me throw up and made me want to punch my niece in the face. 😂 Took a CVS brand early result test at 9pm, it show a faint positive. I didn’t trust it. Drove the family to Walgreens at 930 at night. FRER showed the faintest positive ever. Could only see it in certain lights, but I knew. 😬

Instantly redownloaded my pregnancy+ app 😂.

9 DPO: 4am - FRER was darker, but still light positive.

9:30am - FRER test even darker, clearly there and positive!

8:00pm - FRER Even more positive! Digital clear blue said no and ticked me off. (With my first daughter, I couldn’t get a + on a digital until 10 DPO). Super tired - in bed before 9pm. Smelled wings, had to have wings. They were the best things I’d ever tasted.

10 DPO: Line still progressing & digital says pregnant! Sore boobs. So sore. Mild cramping on and off. Tired. Craving homemade ranch dip and veggies as well as iceberg lettuce w/ Olive Garden dressing... the hubby went directly to the store with no questions asked 😂

I found out with my first daughter at 9 DPO after our first time TTC as well. I know the 2 week wait can make you feel crazy and I had so many symptoms so I wanted to share in hopes to ease anyone’s anxieties or answer questions anyone may be having! Also, just to provide entertainment/distractions for you beautiful TTC mama to be’s!

Side note, after 4 days of ovary pain * so early * I just knew I couldn’t possibly be pregnant. I know you’re not supposed to “have real symptoms till 6 DPO” 🙄 I thought maybe I had another cyst or idk... it was so unusual that I was making stuff up in my head of what it could be instead of pregnancy related...

Well, 6 tests later. I’m gonna call it pregnancy related. Some of us weirdos are too in-tune with our bodies!

✨Wishing happiness, health and baby dust to all of you!✨