
I decided to drop one of my daily pumps, I just can’t find the time to do 5 pumps a day.

In total I am pumping 2.5 hours a day and it’s exhausting. I pump when I wake up, before I make lunch, before I make dinner, around 8/9 and again at midnight before bed. I’m tired.

Will my supply suffer if I pull at 8am, 1pm, 8pm, and 11pm?

He’s 6 months and on solids now and I’m a just-enough producer. I’m okay with doing a bottle of formula once a day though if needed if it means I get a little more time in my day to play with my kids or get something done.

I’ve been waiting out and pumping through this 3+ month nursing strike he’s been on, but he still doesn’t want to nurse, so the constant pumping with no end in sight is just 😩😩😩