Sick Toddler

I have a 3-yr old who is throwing up pretty consistently every 30 minutes or so. She is staying hydrated but keeps vomiting the water she has drank since the last bout. I have been fortunate enough to not really have to experience this before now. What do you Moms do in this situation? She’s pretty quiet when she throws up so I am afraid if I let her sleep in my room I won’t hear her. Do you let them sleep with you? Do you stay up all night for when they need to throw up? She’s tired now but every time I think maybe she will sleep, she throws up again and we start the whole process over. Thanks for any input. We have tried Pepto chewable and I don’t have access to any pedialyte this late at night but I am so proud of how much water she is trying to drink as usually she is a very finicky eater and drinker. She is going through this whole thing like a champ. 💪❤️