

So last week we went for an ultrasound. They found 3 babies!!! We were so in shock. No fertility treatments and no family history of multiples. Now the downside.... they only found heartbeats for two of the babies. They couldn’t find or see a heartbeat for baby C. Baby A’s heartbeat was 169 and Baby B’s was 173. The doctor said they third baby will most likely be absorbed into my body. He put me on bedrest and said to come back in 2wks for another ultrasound. I am so terrified because he acted like I could end up with one or possibly even no babies. I know it’s a long shot but has anyone experienced this? There’s also the crazy part of me who hopes baby C has a heartbeat when we go back. It’s a very unsettling feeling know you are possibly carrying a baby who is not alive right next to two that are.