
So over the last week I’ve decided to take the effort in doing a diet and working out. I am five months postpartum and I’ve always been a skinny person I never had to worry about what I eat and trust me I would eat a lot of junk food and I mean A LOT. But of course having a baby did it help and I haven’t changed my eating habits so now my body is somewhat unrecognizable.The constant battle With myself when I look in the mirror with my brawn underwear on and just pick about all the little things I would change. Well hopefully that happens because I decided no more crying about how I look now and put the effort to look better in the future. I cut out all soda I just drink water and one smoothie with a little bit of vegetables in the morning make sure I’m getting plenty of egg whites even though trust me when I tell you I hate eggs. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. No sweets unless they’re gluten-free and vegan. And exercising about 40-60 minutes a day . It’s hard . I’m so tired sometimes and I just want a quick burger and to be lazy but I’m trying . I don’t want to say “I want to look better” I want to say “I’m in the process of looking better”. Wish me luck ladies I’ve never been one that’s stuck to diets but now is better then ever .