Early pregnancy test advice


Hi everyone,

My husband and I have been trying for our 2nd for about 6 months now. A few days ago, I had my annual check up with OBGYN and we discussed the fact that my husband and I were trying for another baby and fertility in general. It became time for my exam and he barely put the metal thing(I don’t actually know the name) in and pulled it immediately back out. He asked me for the second time when my last period was and when my next one is due, which is exactly a week after my appointment. He then did the part of the exam where he feels around for almost half the time he normally does, while saying “there is a lot of muscus discharge. That’s a good sign.” He then signed the form and said “hope to see you in a few weeks” and left!

Does anyone know what that means? I have been driving myself and husband crazy overthinking the whole appointment. My period is due in 5 days, should I take an early test or wait it out?