Car seat question


We are in the process of making sure the car seats are in the car and ready to go. But I’m kind of confused. We followed all the directions that came with our car seats. They’re rear facing infant car seats. Not convertible. We have them anchored in where they’re supposed to go and they don’t slide or anything. All the levels match up where they’re supposed to be. But I noticed the base of the car seat lifts up off the seat. So the anchored part stays down but the side that’s on the edge of the seat flips up. That can’t be right can it? We thought maybe with the car seat on the base the weight would keep it from flipping up but it still lifts. It’s been so long since I’ve done this. Someone told me since the handle bar isn’t supposed to be all the way back that it will stop the baby from getting slammed into the back seat but that doesn’t seem safe either. What can we be doing wrong? Or is this really how they’re supposed to work? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’m looking into somewhere I can get it checked but thought I’d ask you ladies in the meantime.

Edit: if it helps we have the maxi cosi MICO I think is the name. There are no options to run a belt or anything around the front, or I guess the back of the base. Only place to anchor or belt is the side against the seat.